Saturday, November 2, 2013

Farewell to October!

We ended the month of October elbow deep (literally!) in pumpkins, Fall, graphing, KidBlogging and composing math problems.

Early in the week I set out a pumpkin & carving tools.  I asked the students  to examine these clues and make "inferences" as to what we were about to do.  When we make inferences, we use what we already know (schema - background knowledge) &  clues to figure things out.  So very quickly the students knew we were going to carve a pumpkin!  In fact, every First Grade Classroom carved one and put them on display at the end of our hallway.  Each jack-o-lantern was labeled with a number and our students were able to use their iPads to ask 10 friends which jack-o-lantern they liked best.  (Collecting Data).  Each student then analyzed their data and created a graph within the app "Doodle Buddy".


This was a great way to practice vital data collecting & graphing skills! 
Other exciting news:  Our students learned how to use KidBlog this week.  Let me tell you, they are excited and pumped!   Actually, Kidblog can be accessed on a regular computer as well as an iPad if you download the app.  Kidblog is a safe way for our students to learn the proper way to use blogging as a tool to share their learning and thoughts and to have the freedom to write appropriate comments on other people's blogs.   Why did I underline this?  Because right now, we are in the process of learning what is OK and what is NOT OK to write about.  For those parents who are presently writing very nice and appropriate comments on this classroom blog of ours -- we are using you as an example!  So thank you!  Your child is allowed to access Kidblog at home and write a post.  I do ask that you monitor this and check to see what they are blogging about!  You can easily access it through my website - look on the left side where it says "Classroom and Student Blogs".  See below for the link.  Right now I told the students I do not want them "commenting" on other student blogs just yet.  We are still in the process of modeling that together in the classroom and learning what is appropriate and what is not appropriate!  Thank you!
One more thing parents - you are encouraged to "comment" on student blogs (your own child or another childs.)    Please be a great example and write a  positive, encouraging comment!  We are reading them all!
Students are also learning addition strategies by "composing" (or building) equations.  They are learning ways to make different numbers and learning about "equal quantities".  An example of  equal quantities (or balanced equations) is here: 
3 + 2      =       4 + 1
Let me tell you, these can be a little tricky and it can be something you practice at home!  Basically it is teaching them different ways to make one answer. 
Here is a video sneak peek into a Math Lesson where students are working with a partner to build equations!
Goodbye October! 


  1. So cute. That is some great discovery learning going on there.

  2. I meant to tell you kids that I was very surprised that you got to carve pumpkins! I can promise you that I did NOT get to do that in my 1st grade class. You children are lucky you have a super-cool teacher like Mrs. Simmons. Mrs. Simmon's reminds me of the teacher from The Magic School Bus! (What's her name again?) You children get to do a whole bunch of cool stuff! I'm sure when you children saw those tools laying around, that you IMMEDIATELY made the inference that those tools were for carving pumpkins. I bet you ALL knew it right away! Ha! Good for you!
