Saturday, October 5, 2013

Global Read Aloud and Good Citizens

Our "Global Read Aloud" project continues this week as we read aloud selected chapters from Kate Messner's book Marty McGuire.  I read to the students and then we post comments on our Padlet Wall, write Tweets for Twitter or connect with other classrooms through Skype and discuss all aspects of the book.  The book is about a girl named Marty who is all tomboy and loves playing with boys and getting dirty!  Both the boys and girls in the class are loving the book -- and can't wait to hear the next few chapters this coming week!  We started an "anchor chart" about the book and collect our thoughts as we read.   I used "Twitter" to tweet out comments students thought about the book  using #gra13mm.  It was fun and exciting for the kids to see so many other comments happening on Twitter as well as our own comments showing up on the big screen!  Here is a part of our Marty McGuire anchor chart and some of us writing on our Padlet Wall about the book:

We are also wrapping up our study of citizenship around Bear Creek.  We believe all areas of the school have expected behaviors that all good citizens try their best to follow.  We believe in helping each other be the best we can be!  Here are some of our good citizens sharing posters they created for a particular area of our school.  We hung our bright yellow posters up all over the campus -- so next time you visit school ask your child to show you theirs!

Right about now I suspect you have a big smile on your face - because how can you not when you see these amazing smiles and examples of working together, helping each other and just being a good citizen to each other?  Love It!  We also had a great opportunity to help Ms. Gelles' class set up their Skype on Friday because she is getting ready to Skype with a classroom from back east.  But before that happened -- we Skyped with Ms. Gelles' class- right across the hall!  We just wanted to be sure it was working properly and it was fun for us to be helpful (good citizens!) for Ms. Gelles Class!  We are looking forward to Skyping with a classroom from Chicago this coming week!  Check back for details of that fun event!  


  1. Mrs. Simmons Class,
    I am seriously impressed. This is so cool. I want yall to Skype with my Kindergarten Class. But first Mrs. Simmons is going to have to teach me how.

  2. We will do it! First download Skype and set up an account! Then we can Skype with you all to be sure it works. Then maybe you can find another Kindergarten class in our district to Skype with too! It is fun!

  3. I love the pictures of you kids. You all seem famous to me. You are on the Internet and the whole world can see you!

    I think Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Butts should "Skype" the old fashioned way. They should run a string with aluminum cans attached at the ends from one class to the other. Lets see if it works!

    I guess I am going to have to finally get a Twitter account. I feel like I'm missing out on what you kids are doing.

    Please tell the class in Chicago that our Dallas Cowboys football team is coming to their town to beat the Chicago Bears on December 9th!

