Saturday, August 31, 2013

We Survived Week #1!

Our very first week of school for 2013/14 was great fun!  Thank you parents for helping your child begin the school year so successfully!  Your children are getting an idea of what First Grade is like by learning many new expectations, responsibilities and rules all around the school!   Here is a peek into a few things we did this week!

We made a headband saying "First Grade is Totally Cool" and took our very first class picture!

We looked at all our books in our desks and read stories from our "Red Reader".

We all wrote about the First Day of school and some of us got to share our fabulous writing!

We got very excited by the end of the week when our iPads FINALLY arrived!  We found out who has an iPad at home and who does not -- that way we know who our iPad "Experts" can be!!!  We learned MANY rules about becoming a responsible "Digital Citizen" and even signed a "Trust Card" promising that we will be very careful and respectful while we use our iPad.  We got to explore a little on them... but it will take a little while to load some of the apps and work out some technology "kinks".  But we are patient and looking forward to helping each other and learning together as we begin our journey to becoming "Digital Citizens"!


  1. So fun! Can't wait to see what you learn on the iPad! The first week of school was great!

  2. Check back weekly! We hope to post lots of great learning! Thank you for the comment - we LOVE them!

  3. I can't believe you guys have IPADS!!!! I also can't believe you already know how to use the FIRST GRADE! All of you guys are going to be soooo super-smart when you grow up!

    1. Yes - a whole set for our very own use!!! We are surely going to learn together as we become amazing "digital citizens"!
